Friday, January 25, 2013

How to Put Your Tactical Marketing Plan in Place

All successful marketing campaigns have one thing in common: they start with a plan.  The best marketing plans are ones that are tactical and consist of a series of actions aimed at growing sales in an organized and well thought out manner. 

Here are tips on how to put your tactical marketing plan in place.

·         Determine Your Marketing Objectives

Depending on the type and size of your business your marketing goals will want to be traced back to sales or more customers. Increasing the value of sales per customer can be an alternative way to focus on increasing sales and, often times, is more effective.

·         Define Your Target Market
    Segment your target market based on customer demographics by creating a target persona.   The best way to understand your audience is to build buyer personas.  Personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers, based on real data about customer demographics and online behavior, along with educated speculation about their personal histories, motivations, and concerns.

      You can develop personas following these 3 steps:

     -         Segment by demographics

     -         Identify their needs

     -         Develop behavior-based profiles

·         What Is Your Current Market Position?
     Before you decide where you are going, look at where you've been. Consider why and how your customers do business with you. Look at how you are perceived in the marketplace.

·         Which Marketing Strategies to Use?
    There are many marketing tactics available, and successful, for small businesses to use.  Here are some to consider including in your marketing plan:

o Advertising – television ads and print ads in local and industry       publications

o Direct marketing – email or traditional mailings to a customer/potential customer list

o Sales promotion – will you discount any of your products during the year?  Decide which product(s), when and how much the discount will be.

o Appearance of your staff – get your brand out by having your staff wear shirts with your logo and website on them

o Sales literature – what literature do you need to promote your products or services?  Think about where you would use this printed material – tradeshows, mailings, or even sitting by your cash register.

o Sponsorship – sponsors local events, such as Chamber of Commerce events and charity events in your area

o Communication methods – determine how you will communicate with your customers and potential customers.  Will you email them?  Post stories/information on your Facebook business page or your blog?

·        Develop and Monitor Your Action Plan
     Include a timeline of when things each marketing action should be started     and concluded.  A great marketing plan isn’t useful if you don’t track and evaluate your marketing strategies.  A tactical marketing plan is a living document that will change and grow with your business.

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