Tuesday, October 8, 2013

4 Tips For Talking Directly to Your Potential Customers

How do you successfully talk to your potential customers on your home page? You must relate to your target audience. Here are four simple tips you can use to engage your prospective customer.

1.   Address their problem. Your message should show your target audience that you understand their challenges or problems. The tone of the message should be non-judgmental and express genuine empathy. This messaging should be the first information your prospective customers see. It will motivate them to want to learn more about your products or services. It also shows that you’re an expert in your field and it starts building trust.

2.   Use the correct language. Don’t over-use industry specific jargon or abbreviations unless you’re 100 percent certain that only people in your industry will be reading your web pages and everyone “speaks” the same jargon as you. If you use too many of these types of words, you’ll lose potential customers. Communicate clearly and accurately so people not in your industry can understand what you’re talking about.

3.   Offer a customized solution. You’ve convinced your reader that you understand their problem. Now, how are you going to solve it? It’s important that you show how you will solve their problem through a custom solution that shows you understand the target audience and their challenge or problem. Don’t tell them exactly how you’ll fix their problem, or they won’t need your services. Just give them enough information that they’ll want to contact you.

4.   Include a strong call-to-action. Your target audience is aware that you understand their challenge or problem and can fix it. They are motivated to act, so be explicit about what you want them to do next. The call-to-action could be to call you, like your Facebook page or sign up for your free newsletter. Make sure the call-to-action is visible and on your home page.

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