Thursday, December 4, 2014

5 Awesome Ways to Promote Your Blog Posts

You’ve spent hours researching and writing your blog posts. Now, how do you get someone to read them? The answer is you need to promote your blog. Here are five ways you can promote each of your blog posts.

Be consistent with your blogging

This means you need to pick a schedule of when you are posting your blogs and stick to it. If blogging two or three times a week is too much for you, then only blog once a week or twice a month even. The idea is to post your blogs on a regular schedule so your readers will know when to come back to read more.

Add Interesting Graphics

Do you add visually appealing pictures or graphics with each of your posts? Your pictures should be relevant to the post and unique. Pictures can grab a reader’s attention and make them want to read your entire post.

Share Your Blog on Social Media

Don’t just post your blog and be done with it. You’ve spent time researching and writing your blog, so share it with the world! Add your blog to your personal and business Facebook page. Share on your LinkedIn profile. You can tweet about your blog too. Make sure your blog is connected to your website. People visiting your website might also stop to read your blog. You can also share your blog with your circle and publicly on Google+ to increase your SEO.

Don’t Forget Your Current Contacts

You might already have an email or newsletter list. Use it to promote your blog. Include your most recent blog in your email newsletter. You can link to your blog so reader can get more information if they want. Include a link to your blog in your email signature.

Leverage Other Bloggers’ Networks

Offer to guest blog. You know how much work blogging is. Bloggers appreciate offers to guest blog because that’s one day they don’t have to worry about. Through your networking or involvement in associations, find other businesses that you could partner with (don’t compete with) and write a blog relevant to their market. You can link back to your blog. This way you increase your audience reach into a whole new market.

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