Thursday, May 21, 2015

6 Tips for Awesome Landing Page Copy

Your promotion sends people to a specific landing page. How do you convert those people into sale? Here are 8 tips on how to write effective landing page copy that are proven to work.
1) Use customer testimonials.
One of the most powerful conversion content techniques is about letting happy customers write your copy for you. Testimonials are compelling because they show the customer what they will experience if they use your product or service.
Most landing pages that do well have testimonials somewhere on the page. Your best conversion writers are your customers. Let them speak for themselves -- social proof is a powerful addition to your copywriting and marketing strategy.
2) Emphasize the benefits, not the product/service.
Customers don’t really care about your products or services -- in other words, they don't care about the "solution" you're trying to sell to them.
Customers already know the solution they’re looking for. They are capable of learning virtually anything thanks to the internet. In fact, not only do customers know the solution, they also know the features they are looking for, the requirements the product must meet and a benchmark pricing.
If you are pitching only your solution, you’re not giving your customers what they need and want. You need to pitch benefits. It’s okay to mention your solution, because that’s a signal to the customer that he or she is in the right place -- but don’t push that solution. Instead, push the benefits.
3) Write a killer headline.
People don’t read your entire landing page copy. They scan, they skim, and they allow their eyes to dart across the page, but they don’t usually read every word.
Your landing page must adapt to the customer and produce copy that will compel them to convert in spite of their skimming habits. Here’s what customers do pay attention to:
·  The headline.
·  The sub-headline (usually).
·  The pictures.
·  Call-To-Action buttons.
After that, customers may or may not read the following:
·  Major section headings.
·  Bullet points.
·  Short paragraphs.
·  Image captions.
That should give you an idea of what to focus on as you write your conversion copy. The most important piece of content is the ten or fifteen words in the headline. Focus on and nail that, and you’ll have come a long way. You should:
1.   Make your headline big, strong, and clear.
2.   Use a compelling sub-headline that pushes your product’s benefits.
3.   Show large pictures that demonstrate the benefits of your products and explain your message.
4.   Use strong copy in your Call-To-Action.
5.   Break your copy up into major sections, led by a headline with large type.
6.   Use bullet points to discuss benefits of your product. Short bullet points. Not long ones.
7.   Use short paragraphs, rather than long blocks of text. Any paragraph over five lines long can be hard to digest.
8.   Use captions on your images.
4) Keep your writing simple.
The best conversion copy you’re going to read will come in the next two words: Be simple. Simplicity sells.
Here are a few tips for keeping your landing page copy simple:
·  Use a simple sentence structure.
·  Keep sentences short.
·  Use short words. Short words are easy to understand and skim.
·  Don’t get fancy with your wording.
·  Be clear and succinct. Use the most basic words to describe what you’re trying to say.
If you can be simple, you can write great conversion copy.
5) Write like a human.
There’s another technique that will help you crush your competition: Sound like a human being. Here are some specific things you can do to make your writing more personal:
·  Write the way you speak.
·  Use normal words, like the ones you’d use if you were talking to a ten-year old.
·  Use short sentences.
·  Break grammar rules if the writing still sounds good and natural.
·  Be funny.
·  Use first person.
·  Use expressions you’d use in a normal conversation.
6) Ask for readers to take action.
The final technique is the call-to-action. If you don't ask for conversions, you won't get them. That’s why you should start with the end goal in mind -- and the whole point of your landing page is that conversion. All of your copy should be building up to that conversion. Don't be shy!
All in all, boosting conversion rates starts with killer copy. A whole lot depends on the words you use.  With the right copywriting techniques firmly in place, you can achieve higher conversion rates.

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