Friday, December 28, 2012

The 8 Marketing Tips To Attracting A Never Ending Supply Of Dream Clients For Your Business
·         Know who your dream client actually is. Sounds obvious but few people have this part thought out. Most folk define their dream client by default as being - well, anyone who wants to pay me. Na-uh. Get clear.

·         Make a list of 20 -100 companies or people who would be your dream clients.

·         Brainstorm how you could create the dream experience for your clients. Put yourself in their shoes. If it was you writing them the check, instead of the other way around, what would be the absolute ultimate, rave worthy experience if anything was possible. Now you have your new gold standard.

·         Hold a focus group of your best clients. Take them out to dinner and ask them what you could better. You will be amazed at what they tell you and how much they appreciate you asking their opinion

·         Become a marketing nut. Marketing is the life blood of your business. Period. Remember that it's not the best company who wins, it's the best marketing. Make it your business to learn everything you can about real world marketing that has been tried, tested and proven in the battlegrounds of real life. Not crummy marketing theory that should work in principal but is unproven.

·         Create a monthly and weekly marketing plan for your business. Then implement it. Separate your marketing into 3 sections: 1) your lead generation, 2) what you do to convert a prospect into a paying customer, and 3) what you do to keep a customer so they buy from you again and again.

·         Make marketing your daily fix. Just like ordering your cup of coffee or having a lunch break. Spend a little time every single day working on your marketing. Don't make your marketing a series of sporadic, haphazard events that happen in reaction to cash flow issues or "when you get the time." Without marketing, you don't have a business. So put it at the top of your list.

·         Be remarkable at what you do. Give more than your clients expect. Follow up with them. Care about their success.

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