Tuesday, March 31, 2015

6 Tips For A Great Landing Page

Turn website traffic into revenue by using six proven techniques for your website’s landing page.

1. Use Customer Testimonials
Testimonials are compelling stories that tell a visitor what they can expect when using your product or service.  Let your customers speak for you on your landing page.

2. Talk About The Benefits
Customers really don’t care about your products or services. What they care about is their own problem. Because they have probably already done research online, your prospective customers already know the solution to their problem. You can mention the solution on your landing page because your visitors will know they are in the right place, just don’t only talk about the solution. Talk about the benefits because that will set you apart and that is what your visitors are looking for. 

3. Keep Your Writing Simple
Simplicity sells. Use simple sentence structure and keep them short. Use short words that are easy to read quickly. Be clear and describe what you do using the most basic words.

4. Be Human
Just like having conversations with your customers on social media, use your landing page to start that conversation. Don’t let your content sound mechanical and forced. Write like you speak, in a friendly tone.

5. Use Numbers
People like believable data. Use specific numbers to promote the benefits of your products or services.

6. Have A Call To Action

If you don’t ask readers to do anything, they won’t. What do you want your visitors to do when they are at your home page? Start writing the content of your home page with the end goal in mind – what action you want your visitors to take. Do you want them to sign up for your free white paper? Do you want them to contact you for a demonstration? A call-to-action button should reflect the action you want them to take and your content should easily bring them to the button and make them want to click through. 

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