Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Business Cards Are a Great Marketing Tool

 How do you create a memorable impression with prospective customers? When networking, how do you effective communicate what your company does? Business cards can give your small business an edge and the personalization of the cards can make you memorable.

Great business cards do not have to be expensive. Hiring a marketing firm, such as Blue Dog Marketing, to design a card for you will help you stand out from your competitors. There is nothing worse than giving someone a card that you had printed by an online business card store that looks just like the card they handed you. That occurs more often than you think with so many people using online business card companies.
You and your business are unique, so a card that clearly expresses that uniqueness and lets people know what you do is the best way to compete in today’s business climate.
Here are some ideas for creating a stand-out business card:
Your business cards and all your other marketing materials should have the same look. This means your website, brochures and newsletters must have the same logo and color scheme. This branding lets customers recognize your business and helps you stand out from your competition.
If you do not have a company logo, get one right away. Pick your company colors. A marketing design firm can educate you on the meaning of certain colors so you make a smart choice for your business. A great logo will help people remember you company and what you do. Use your logo on all your marketing materials.
What is your mission statement? What do you want people to know about your company? You can use your mission statement to create a tag line that will let your customers know what you do.
Use your business cards as a foundation of an overall marketing program to build relationships and create opportunities for your small business.

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