Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Four Landing Page Strategies

One of the services Blue Dog Marketing offers to our clients is web site creation. Many websites need help with their landing, or home, page.
Your landing page is the first place prospective customers see you on the web and you want to make sure you grab their attention immediately.

Here are some landing page strategies that you can apply to your business:
1. Post pull marketing questions to grab your prospective customer’s attention. Your ideal customer will answer "Yes" to each of these questions. These questions also help you develop trust and credibility with prospects.

2. Write engaging content. Your prospect’s attention span is very short so you want to grab their attention as quickly as possible. Use bullet points and short sentences to make the text easier to read.
3. Address your prospects concerns and offer a solution. Keep the focus on the "what and why" and don’t share how to do solve their problem. This will create a need – for them contact you to find out more information.

4. Explain how you work with clients. This is part of building that trust and credibility.

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