Tuesday, April 22, 2014

3 Marketing Tools to Increase Your Small Business Marketing Results

3 Marketing Tools to Increase Your Small Business Marketing Results

Are you looking to increase your marketing results? Here are 3 tools you should be using to increase awareness of your small business offerings.
1.   Facebook. Facebook is the place to be. Create a Facebook page for your small business. This page is another avenue to send people to your website to learn more about you and your products. Also, make sure you engage with your customers and potential customers on a personal and professional level on Facebook. It’s social media, so keep it “social.”

2.   Amazon Kindle. E-books are becoming more popular. Everyday, people search Amazon’s books for information. These are actual buyers. They're not searching for free things; they're looking to purchase a Kindle book to solve what's keeping them up at night.

An interesting fact: people who buy and read books are also more likely to buy higher-priced products and programs. Writing and formatting an e-book can be time consuming, but the rewards can be huge. Use your book to answer questions that your customers have and offer solutions.

3.   Video. Include videos on your website, in your blog and on your Facebook page. This can help increase your SEO (search engine optimization). Videos help build trust with potential customers because people feel like they know you faster when they see you on video.

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