Tuesday, November 24, 2015

How to Create a Simple Marketing Plan

You do have a marketing plan in place, don’t you? If you don’t, here are some tips that will help you easily create a marketing plan.

Target Market
You first must determine who your ideal client is. Do some simple research to find out more about your target market. What do they like/dislike? What are their pain points? What do they want/need?

Your Products and Services
Your next step is to figure out what products and/or services you can offer to your target market to solve their problems and address their pain points. What will differentiate you from your competition? What is your pricing strategy?

Geographical Features of Your Target Market
Where are your potential customers located? Where will you position yourself so they can find you? How will you channel your marketing message to them? Will you write a blog, write articles for trade journals/magazines, hold seminars and webinars or speak to certain groups?

Your Unique Selling Proposition
Develop your unique selling proposition. This proposition states your promise and sets you apart from your competition.

How Can Your Customers Purchase Your Product or Service
Next, determine how your potential customers can purchase your product or service. How are you going to get the information your prospective clients need to make their purchasing decisions?

Have a Budget
Establish your marketing budget for the year. And stick to it! You really do have to spend money to make money. Spend what you are comfortable spending. As your business grows, you’ll want to invest more into your marketing to continue growing your business.

If you need help creating or implementing a market plan, contact Blue Dog Marketing. We’re here to help you grow your business. 

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