Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Why You Should Blog for Your Small Business

Why You Should Blog for Your Small Business

Combine "web" with "log" and you get "blog." It's a funny word, but serious business.
You’re currently blogging for your business or thinking about it (you really need to start NOW!), so here are some tips to help you blog with a purpose.

1.   Connect with customers - A blog is a practical and powerful way to share useful, relevant information with customers.

2.   Generate traffic - A strategically planned blog, with carefully chosen keywords in play, will show up in searches, increase your SEO (search engine optimization) and drive traffic to your website.

3.   Establish authority - Your business blog is the hub of your content marketing efforts where you share your expertise.

4.   Win business – According to Hubspot, 60% of businesses who blog acquire more customers.

5.   Increase reach - Your blog will be shared and find new readers/followers daily.

6.   Give your company a voice - A blog is your pulpit, your publication, your journal - the place where you talk about whatever you choose, however you choose.

7.   Humanize your company - That voice needs personality. Great bloggers are genuine. Your personality comes into play, that is, if you aim to make real connections.

8.   Inspires content and productivity - Blogging is hard work. You need processes. Commitment. Consistency. You'll need to step up - and you'll be rewarded for doing so.

9.   Generate publicity - As mentioned above, business bloggers establish authority. Stick with it and demonstrate you know your niche and you'll get asked for interviews.

10.     Learn - We'll get a bit warm and fuzzy now, but there's no denying you are going to learn a lot about yourself and the world around you. It comes with being a writer.

11.     Get inspired - The research, the conversation, the experience... it's inspiring. Trust me on this: a switch gets turned on and it's impossible to turn off.

12.     Have fun - Perhaps not everyone will agree blogging is fun, but I believe every great blogger gets into it and enjoys the ride.

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