Thursday, January 30, 2014

Planning an Event in 2014?

Planning an Event in 2014?

Is hosting an event in your marketing plans for 2014? If so, now is the time to start planning. Putting together a few major pieces now will make the event process move smoothly. If done quickly, it can make the event better and more realistic for the hosts. These pieces are:
1.   Define the objective of the event

The objective of the event is often a large contributor to a few key ingredients. The objective defines what the event is supposed to do and it sets the foundation for the type of event it is to be, and lastly is the main guide towards the theme. Without an objective, the event may not get off the ground, rolling aimlessly towards a date without any real enthusiastic motivation behind it. Objective defines purpose. Purpose creates drive. The theme of the event puts a face to it, an image that will be memorable to prospects.
2.   Who is going to make the event happen?

In a small business, it is either a hired event planner/marketer or the owner. Each one has positives and negatives to lead the event to success. A person who can lead, is organized, creative, people oriented, resilient, and patient is the best person to lead the show. These qualities might not be all in one person, but can be had in a small team.
The person who makes it all happen is a very important part of the event. Without someone to herd cats, the event might be lackluster.

An event planner/manager/marketer is a keystone for a great event. The larger the event, the larger the skill set of the decision maker of the event. Experienced event planners and marketers can provide valuable consulting, if not be the main coordinator of the event.
3.   What it is going to take to be a great event?

Three common factors of any event are time, money, and energy. Being able to balance the three and be able to achieve the objective is what makes a great event.
There is only so much of any of time, money, and energy. The objective of the event, and the anticipated results of the event, will decide how much of each will occur. In relation to time, asking how long will it take to get everything done is what time is all about. Is this a big event that happens every year? Is this a test run for other events down the road? And other questions help plan when things occur, which is also a function of energy.

The energy required to have a great event is defined by the objective, quantity of staffing for execution, and anticipated size of the event. How much one person can put into any event is limited. Larger events take more people. Simply put, the amount of energy that can be expended is directly related to the budget, or how much money is reasonable to make the event a success.
Small businesses do not have bottomless accounts to throw large parties. An event being funded by small businesses has to see a payoff and be done within a reasonable budget.

Looking at the objective, the amount of payoff can be calculated. Whether the event is a concert in the park or customer appreciation day at the store, cash flow can be discussed. If the event has a history, budgeting is easier. For a first time event, budgeting is difficult because cash flow can be estimated within ten percent at best. More often the margin error is larger. Expenses are the most determinable line items.

When you hatch your idea, take the time to make immediate notes on how the event will occur. These notes will guide you. They will help you understand what you were thinking at the time. Too often have I lost those thoughts because they were not written down.
Taking the time to pay attention to the initial parts of an event being planned will alleviate problems later.

Spending time making great events happen, business owners elated, and businesses grow is what Blue Dog Marketing loves to do. Contact us for help in planning your next event!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

4 Reasons to Send a Press Release

4 Reasons to Send a Press Release

My previous blog was about how to write a news release. Here are some reasons to send it out.
1. Build credibility among existing and potential clients.

A news article written by a reporter builds credibility. You provide all of the information, background, and quotes for the article. The message is controlled to a degree, just not in the form of traditional advertising. Essentially sending a press release works like a supporter tooting your horn on Facebook or Twitter, and everyone perks up to listen.
2. Develop relationships with influencers.

Editors and even reporters decide the news that's fit to print, so make an effort to get to know them. Stay in their good graces by providing a steady stream of newsworthy information via a well-written press release: company changes or moves, new hires or promotions, expansion information, new products or services, etc. Be sure to address the editor/reporter/blogger by name, instead of, 'To whom it may concern.' You can't develop relationships without knowing names. Be polite and friendly, and don't make repeated follow-ups. Newspapers receive a number of press releases daily. If everyone followed up, they'd hardly have time to write. Once is enough. Consider the reporter your target audience. If you think about their needs first, then they're sure to start thinking-and talking-about you.
3. Cultivate your brand's image.
Define what sets you apart from direct and indirect competitors and make that a cohesive unit with your brand. Press releases help you cast a wider net, just be sure you have something to say. Make every communication worth your customers' time.

4. Paint yourself as an expert in your field.
You may think that your efforts are futile if you're not seeing any direct coverage as a result of a persistent PR campaign. But don’t worry, even if media outlets don't run your story, it's likely they'll remember you. Your name will get filed away as a resource when a related story breaks. And when it does, all of those press releases will pay off and you'll be ready and waiting for that call.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

5 Tips for Writing a Successful Press Release

5 Tips for Writing a Successful Press Release

Press releases can be an effective way to get media attention for your small business. If you write a regular newsletter for your customers, you already have a great start on topics for your news release. With a bit of formatting and editing, you can turn your newsletter articles into successful press releases.

Here are 5 tips for crafting an attention getting news release:

1.   Start off strong. You have a very brief window to catch the attention of a reporter, so lead off with your strongest information.

2.   Be newsworthy. Don’t make your news release a sales pitch. Reporters are interested in what makes your business unique.

3.   Provide all your contact information. A reporter may have some questions about your business and the first place they’ll look is your website. So include your website on your press release. Reporters may wish to call or email you, so include that information too.

4.   Proofread. Then proofread again. Then have someone else proofread your news release. A single typo or grammar mistake can instantly hurt your credibility.

5.   Be brief. Keep your news release to the point. Reporters are looking for facts and data, not fluff.

News releases can be a valuable strategy for getting exposure for your small business. Don’t forget to add your news release to your web site and to your blog.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Why You Should Create a Facebook Business Page – Part 3

Why You Should Create a Facebook Business Page – Part 3

9. Tabs & Apps
Newsletter sign up, Twitter feed, e-Shop, or website link - these are just a few examples of how you can utilize your Business Page Tabs through the use of Third Party Apps, another feature exclusive to Facebook Pages. Not only that, but the majority of these Apps are completely FREE to download and use and, in many instances, customizable to your own business' needs.

One of the many advantages of these Tabs is that followers can sign up to your Newsletter, view your Twitter feed, purchase your products/services, etc. without ever leaving Facebook.
10. Advertising and Promotions
Okay, so they're not free but Facebook Ads still wipe the floor with many other (free) and organic techniques for growing your fan base. I'm not saying other methods aren't as powerful, far from it, but there's a reason you pay for Facebook Ads - they REALLY WORK!

Facebook Ads appear in a sidebar on the right-hand side of your Timeline right before your status bar of friends who are/aren't online. While a Facebook Ad can only be set up by a Page, the beauty of them is that their audience is not restricted to Page fans; they can be used to target your friends too.
Facebook Adverts can prove expense if not managed properly. You can control the expense with a budget, start and end date and maximum price per click. Facebook offers you the choice of several tiers of advertising to suit your budget and objectives. You can also track their effectiveness of the Ads from your Pages' Admin.

11. Import Contacts/Invitations
You can invite a whole host of people to Like your Business Page and increase your number of Fans exponentially. There is nothing wrong with periodically re-inviting contacts to Like your Page and your lists will no doubt have grown since you last did this anyway. Facebook does also allow you to select which people you would like to invite to Like your Page so you can make it more targeted if you so wish.

12. Link Your Business Page to Twitter
If you sync your Facebook Page with your Twitter account, whenever you create a post in Facebook, both Social Media channels will be updated simultaneously. You are working smarter as you don't have to update both channels with the same content.

13. Analyze Your Page's Activity
Once you have 30 Likes, you will be able to view Facebook Insights, which provide in-depth analysis on every one of your Business Page posts to see how many people your post reached how many engaged with it and how many talked about it with their Friends. You can also compare your different posts by showing the percentage of people who talked about your post to their Friends after seeing it. You can also export a report of your Facebook Insights to a spreadsheet.

Facebook Insights provide a platform for something you should really be checking anyway - what content is resonating the most with people, be it particular status updates you post, links to Blog Posts or your latest Newsletter or something else so that you can tailor your messaging for maximum impact.
Are you thinking about setting up a Facebook Business Page? Blue Dog Marketing can help you!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Why You Should Create a Facebook Business Page – Part 2

Why You Should Create a Facebook Business Page – Part 2

5. Google Search Results
Facebook Pages are indexed by Google which means that they are optimized for search engines. So the more active you are, the more visible your business will be in a search resulting in an increased online presence and active and prolific impression on Social Media.

6. And The Winner Is...
Who doesn't love a freebie?! Contests are a great way to build engagement with your Fans and also incentivize other people to Like your Business Page and share your content, making them an instant ambassador for your Brand or business. Contests are one of the most fun and creative Facebook Business Page features. Contests are a really effective way of incentivizing people to share your Business Page or content and grow your Likes.

7. Featured Likes
This enables you to showcase the pages of other brands/businesses that you Like - providing not only an insight into your brand/business and its interests but also to showcase the Pages of those businesses you have Liked which should also encourage reciprocity by those businesses.

Simply clicking on the 'Like Pages' link on the left-hand side of your screen allows you to choose from a list of Pages under various categories, including Brands & Products and Companies and Organizations. Liking businesses with whom you have an affiliation or association with, such as complementary services, trusted suppliers and so on, are always going to have maximum impact.
8. Business Showcase

A Facebook Business Page allows you to display such information as your business's opening times, location map, telephone number, email address and website address, etc. In the website section you can also add up to three addresses of your choosing in addition to your business site. I suggest adding links to your Twitter profile, LinkedIn Profile/Company Business Page, Google+ Page, Blog address, etc.
You can further showcase your business by providing a Company Overview, Description, Mission, Founded, Awards, Products (a call to action with a website link is recommended here), etc.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Why You Should Create a Facebook Business Page – Part 1

Why You Should Create a Facebook Business Page – Part 1

Many business owners have not yet realized the benefits of a Facebook Business Page for their brand, products or services.

1. Personal vs. Private
A Facebook Profile and Business Page are mutually exclusive and lead very separate lives. Your personal page is just that….personal. Your Business Page is about your business. Set up and use these two pages separately. Your family and friends probably don't want to see an update on your business every time they log in to Facebook. Of course, if they have chosen to Like your Business Page then it's a different story. But keeping the two separate in the first place gives everybody the option and upholds an individual's preferences.

2. Brand Newsfeed
A Business Page Timeline is the similar to email marketing on Facebook and strengthens your success in reaching and engaging with current and potential customers. Your Business Page Timeline equals increased exposure for your business/brand, invaluable insights into what you are saying most resonates with people but also provides ample opportunities for conversations with new audiences.

Just make sure that you are using Facebook as your Business Page in order to comment/post on the Business Pages of others.

3. Tagging and Commenting
Isn't it great when your friends and family Tag you in photos you didn't know you were in or at a location you were both at? Another highly advantageous feature of Business Pages is that in addition to those who Like your Page, any Business Page owner can Tag/comment on your Business Page which opens it right out to a viral audience. And of course, each time they do this, you are maximizing the number of Newsfeeds your Business Page name appears in and ultimately not how many Fans see it but also their own Fans too which offers rich pickings in terms of engagement and new fans.

4. The Sky's the Limit!
Did you know that a Facebook personal Profile is limited to 5,000 friends? Not so for a Facebook Business Page! There is no limit to the number of Likes it can receive.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Facebook Pages Vs. Profiles - What's the Difference?

Facebook Pages Vs. Profiles - What's the Difference?

What’s the difference between a Facebook Page and a Profile Page? Actually, there's a big difference.
A Facebook Profile page is a personal profile. Profiles can usually only be viewed by people who are your friends. They are for personal use, not professional use. Yes, some people will use their profile as a professional page anyway, but I really don't recommend doing this. Only a real person can have a Facebook profile, in their name, and they can only have one of them.

A Facebook Page, on the other hand, can be about absolutely anything: a book, a movie, a writer, a musician, a company, or an artist. A person with a profile can make as many pages as they want about as many things as they want. There is no limit. Pages are public and can be viewed by anyone. Profiles have a 5,000 friend limit. Pages have no limit whatsoever.
If you are a small business owner, I don't recommend using a profile. I recommend making a page instead. Why?

First of all, you can't 'like' a profile. You can only send a friend request and see their page if that person accepts your request. However, anyone can 'like' a page - including both personal profiles and professional pages. That's right. Someone else's business page can like your business page if they want to, and you can like their business page too. There are no requests needed - likes are automatically accepted. Then, whatever that page posts will show up in your news feed as if they were your friend.
Are you seeing the benefit of this? You are allowing anyone to like your page, even if they are only doing it through their company page. You are a lot more likely to trade likes with people. Also, your page will show up on their profile or page as something that they 'like,' which is more visibility for you in the long run.

The benefits of having a page for your small business far outweighs any benefits of doing it as a profile. So get a Facebook Business Page, and start telling people about it!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Social Media is Here to Stay!

Social Media Marketing is Here to Stay

Social media marketing for business has become a way to promote small businesses that is inexpensive and effective. Marketing your business through online social sites is essential for success. Word-of-mouth advertising is one of the best through social sites. If you obtain the trust of your customers, through social media, word-of-mouth can quickly spread news about your business.

The future cannot be predicted, so no telling what is to come in the long-term future of social media, but it appears that at least for a while Facebook and Twitter are not going anywhere.

Mobile use continues to grow as people leave their computers and laptops and work from their phones and tablets. Make sure your website is mobile compatible. Video is also a way to market your small business.

Marketing with social media is the future in marketing. Make sure to research where your customers are going for their social media needs. One way of doing this is check out your competition.

Blue Dog Marketing is here to assist you with all your social media marketing needs. Let us handle your marketing while you run your business!


Thursday, January 2, 2014

2 Great Ways To Market Your Small Business in 2014

Are you wondering where you should be focusing your marketing efforts in 2014?
Let me share with you 2 great ways you can market your business this year.  

1. Facebook. Facebook is the place to be and Facebook ads are also quite hot right now, so it's not only about having a presence on Facebook - it's also about investing in Facebook ads.

But ads aren't the only way to go. Make sure you're on Facebook regularly, engaging with your customers on a personal and professional level.

2. Video. People feel like they know you faster when they see you on video. Your prospects need to feel like they know, like and trust you before they become your customers.

Video is versatile. You can use the same video on your Facebook page, in your blog, and on your website. Video also helps people find you on the search engines.


Need help creating a video or a business Facebook page or ad? Blue Dog Marketing is here to help you attract more clients, sell more products and boost your business in 2014. Contact us!